God Is An Illusion: To Live Is To Experience
This is a guide for individuals who seek spiritual meanings in their daily activities. Indeed, the most important spiritual quest for a human adult is to find the best way to live a meaningful life. No wonder, this subject is the focus of all the major wisdom traditions of the world. Though these traditions were originated at various times in our history and from different parts of the world, most importantly, they share the same core message. Here, the best way for one to live is to experience his or her being. But, this must be done with complete genuineness. Elegantly expressed by the symbol of the forever coexisting Yin and Yang, such being is a state of duality in which individual human experiences timed and finite self coexisting with an eternal and infinite Self––more simply termed as the body (self) coexisting with the spirit (Self). When one is genuinely experiencing this duality, he or she is enlightened according to Buddha, or in transcendence according to Hinduism, or in the Kingdom of God according to Jesus. Though named differently, these states of mind are all the same. In every state, the given participant is imbued by the same bliss––the exact bliss of oneness with Tao––and by the same peace: the very peace of spiritual Islam.
Games of Mass Delusions: The origin of religions, ideologies, and their resulting conflicts
Religions and ideologies are increasingly becoming the fundamental cause of conflicts, pushing humanity ever closer to World War III; yet little has been revealed about their true origin. Religions and ideologies are actually originated from a mental disease. This disease thrives deep in the human psyche as a symbiosis between delusion and addiction. To be cured of the disease—to avoid another world-scale conflict—the human race needs to undergo serious “psychotherapy,” and that therapy rightfully should begin with a book. The physician author combines the academic features of a typical game with two specific yet related pathologies of the human brain. When he applies this integrated knowledge to analyze the world’s major religions, ideologies, and their resulting conflicts, he discovers that all of these are games created by human imagination, nurtured and sustained by a vicious cycle between the two mental maladies of delusion and addiction. All of these games are phantoms and, in many ways, quite ludicrous. Nonetheless, the reader should refrain from contempt or derision because the weapons used in the games are indeed very real and becoming increasingly dangerous, threatening the survival of our species as well as the health of our planet.