Forest Grace
a) God Is An Illusion: To Live Is To Experience
May this book encourage individuals to always seek what is genuine in life experiences and henceforth help set the world free from the illusions of God and gods, which so many still insist as being ultimate and real.
b) Games of Mass Delusions: The origin of religions, ideologies, and their resulting conflicts
May this book assist individuals in distinguishing spirituality from religiosity, so that they can embrace the former and disregard the latter, making the world a more peaceful place.
c) Living in Duality: why no one should journey through life feeling alone
May this journey through the world’s religions and mythologies serve those who cherish meaningfulness in their daily activities through the art of awareness and attitudes. May the individual realize that life is a duality experience between oneself and the Divine. This book is a revision of (a).
- SPIRITUAL, NOT RELIGIOUS: WHY? August 2014, The New Renaissance Magazine http:/
/ www.ru.org/ index.php/ spirituality/ 65-spiritual-not-religious-why - WHY ARE THE RELIGIONS OF THE WEST SO VIOLENT? November 2015, The Cicero Magazine http:/
/ ciceromagazine.com/ opinion/ why-are-the-religions-of-the-west-so-violent/ - THE FOUR VITALS OF SOCIETAL HEALTH: how to use natural science metrics to evaluate social science. July 2022, Global Research https:/
/ www.globalresearch.ca/ four-vitals-societal-health-how-use-natural-science-metrics-evaluate-social-science/ 5785650
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